Surprisingly yummy!!! 意外的好味!!!
purple onion, eggplant, garlic, preserved olive leaves, yellow bell pepper and sea salt.
1月6日新聞: 女菜販當街將撿來的初生小狗當餸菜賣,被判罰款$2500。愛動物網民一片驚呼,說罰款太輕,太不尊重生命。我看這則新聞感覺是混亂的:我愛動物, 那菜販不理那軟得像一堆棉花一樣的小狗能否呼吸,將牠的鼻子貼著膠袋的裝進去的鏡頭是絕對震撼 - 那種將生命物化的原始/坦白呈現,在這個慣性將痛楚/暴力隱藏的城市, 如非在濕街市的活魚生雞檔,已是難見。如今在網友的實地攝錄裏見到,好久不能平復。另一方面, Continue reading
None of the animals in the husbandry industry have any moment of goodness, from their day one. As shown in the film, these animals are being tortured and humiliated even as they are walking to their final destiny. Temple Grandin is an autistic person with sensitive to the environment and to animals. In the film, she is only responding to this part of the cruelty that she could lay her Continue reading
工業化的畜牧屠宰流程裏, 動物生前都沒有任何安寧, 莫談享受. 在沒有她設計的系統, 那些動物在到屠房的小段路上, 如在片中所示, 所受到的更是驚嚇、 暴虐和屈辱。 愛動物的片中人只是一個對環境敏銳的自閉人仕,她在與屠場與學制的周旋間,以一己之力,設計了一個系統,希望那些動物可以在死前能夠有一刻的尊重,有一刻的好時光,逃過這些不仁, 即使那只是片刻安靈。挑選此片的目的, 並不是指那麼動物便為可吃,可用。而是剛剛相反。 Continue reading
I lived with a Korean friend for almost 3 years who introduced me to her Korean pancakes. I am remembering those days and those pancakes as I made mine. 我曾和一韓國女友同住3年,現在正在懷念那些韓國煎餅和那些日子。
Ingredients: Panfried onion strips and flour. Avocado, sea salt, pepper and seasame seeds.
材料: 煎香的洋蔥條、麵粉。上放牛油果、芝麻、海鹽、胡椒粉。
弟弟愛釣魚,但算是取之有道,即使他常指我堅持素食是極端行為,卻絕不愛濫殺。有時候還會被毫無保護自己能力的動物打動。昨天開飯前他兩手空空的回家,說魚太小,全放了。他還說他放了一條小魟魚(ray),還拿他照了的相給我們看。那魟魚像一只水裏的小紙鳶拖著長尾巴,剎是可愛。當它被放回海裏的時候,弟弟還說牠沒有一路逃去,而是浮了上水面擺了一下,像說了謝謝才走。他認識的朋友說放生的龜都有這樣的表現,都是在水裏冒出 Continue reading
Curry Chickpeas soup咖哩雞豆湯
麵豉湯材料Soup ingredients: Bean Sprout, fresh sataki mushrooms, carrot, miso, and a trinadad hot paste. salt 大豆芽, 鮮冬菇, 麵豉醬,胡蘿蔔, 千里達辣醬,
Pizza: 麵豉醬, 菠菜, 黑橄榄 red miso, spinach, black olive