
蜜蜂正式成為「地球最重要的生物」已經不是新聞, 這早在2008年守望地球學會在Royal Geographic Society of London舉行的一個會議上的宣報. Gilda Ho 不知為什麼今天將這篇報導撈了出來 (link己404), 可能是配合有關蜜蜂的紀錄片放映. 文裏面有很多如何保護蜜蜂的建議, 如禁侵襲神經系統的農藥, 等等, 值得一讀.
然而, 十年過去, 蜜蜂日子郤每況愈下. 已經有更多地方真的沒有蜜蜂了, 改由人手授粉. 但路邊野花等非農作物呢?
然而, 十年過去, 蜜蜂日子郤每況愈下. 已經有更多地方真的沒有蜜蜂了, 改由人手授粉. 但路邊野花等非農作物呢?
皇帝蟹拒絕乖乖躺平. 一直堅持jail break, 看得人心裏發毛, 真想伸手救他, 但香港不是阿拉斯加…堅持把片看到最後, 或許這世界並非絕望, 即使這生命的結局我們都知道. My impulse to lift this crab out of hell was strong, as this crab's attempted jail break prolong. But HK is not Alaska, where this crab was from. The only comfort is – towards the end…..
Posted by Vegan Earth Watch 素看地球 on Monday, December 18, 2017
這是香港仔的富臨洒家。皇帝蟹拒絕乖乖躺平.任宰, 一直堅持越獄, 看著牠的爪子在光滑的玻璃上不停抓動, 心裏發毛, 真想伸手救他, 但香港不是阿拉斯加, 將牠拉出來了又向何往……然而, 堅持把片看到最後, 或許這世界的明天並非絕望, 即使這今天的結局我們都知道. 其他人都在漠視牠的存在, 留在身邊的只有這小孩.
「那不是餓肚子了嗎? 你餓吧. 」
「餓. 但我不想吃.」
他扁了扁嘴, 然後搖頭.
他留了多久我不知道, 我家離開的時候, 他還在。
My impulse to lift this crab out of hell was strong, as this crab’s attempted jail break prolongs_. But HK is not Alaska. It is an restaurant in Aberdeen, HK, too far from where this crab was from. The only comfort is despite the dark clouds over our heads, there might still be a silver line tomorrow towards the end of this clip. While one one gives a damn towards this persisting jail breaker, this child insisted staying with it and refused to join his family over the dinner table for he so cares about the animal.
See the dramatic moment that a pig rushes in to save his friends life moments before slaughter.Farmed animals are highly intelligent, social animals that DO NOT WANT TO BE KILLED.Pigs form close bonds and greet each other by rubbing their noses together.Given the chance, they sleep nose-to-nose with their companions.Every year, around 70 billion land animals are sent to their deaths by the animal farming industry.By going vegan, YOU could help reduce this number by hundreds per year.https://veganuary.com/us/register/Video from Newsflare
Posted by Manchester Pig Save on Friday, January 12, 2018
看視頻, 「豬朋狗友」再不是貶詞, 而是勇氣和老死(好朋友)的代號. 很多時候我們從語文開始便在抹黑一些動物, 來支持/建構我們對牠們的歧視和廹害. 這些語文也入心入肺的控制了我們的思想和情緒, 鞏固了前者. 要改世界觀, 重組語文或重新定義是必需的. 你想到什麼中文裏以動物為內涵的貶詞嗎?
From this video, calling people “pigs” shouldn’t be a derogatory term anymore, but stands for bravery/real friends?. Meanings of words are constructed to reflect and reinforce the values/order of a society. Their power lies in their ability to sink into our subconsciousness which effects to control our body and mind.
To instigate change, language cannot be left off the plate — we have to re-define, re-image or reject what have been circulating. You have some of these words or phrases in mind?
早上10時30分 荃灣西地鐵站D出口, 陸陸續續聚集了一群人, 在聽一名個子小小的女生說話, 地上有一將剛貼好的橫額, 寫著「都是血肉之軀All Flesh n Blood – like us」。血字的底部在掛著鮮紅色的流著的一滴。 沒多久, 那一行廿多人便出發前行(註), 手持著橫額和各自帶來的標語和相片︰有的_了豬自出生以降所受的凌虐與逼迫、有的是佛家中的覺醒、 有的挑戰人類為中心的迷思, 及從而衍生的物種分界:人和動物; 及狗和豬。這些反映了以肉為食所涉及的層面廣泛而繁複, 從不同的角度切入,便能看到不一樣的東西或不義。去屆香港素食嘉年華,便有一個「我們都是原住民」工作坊,揭示了香港這個肉食之都,如何與砍伐南美的雨林,和破壞世居那兒的原住民家園有份,並為那兒的女性加上桎梏。
平常這段路鮮有行人,也沒多少車經過。屠房就是選址在人煙少至的地方;對面的墳場,只有春秋二祭才會人流如鯽。剛巧,這小隊來到荃灣屠房是清明節前的周日,上山掃墓的人絡繹不絕,小隊的橫額和 Continue reading
11 pm. Deep into the night these girls are awaiting the arrival of their final moment. No filthy stalls, no gestation crates, this is paradoxically the best time of their life, yet, the grunting that breaks the silence, the telltale sign of their anxiety.
21 Februray, 2017 at Tsuen Wan slaughterhouse, 荃灣屠房 21.2.2017
夜11時, 她們在等待死神,
雖然這已是她們最安舒的夜晚, 清潔和可轉身的空間
不安的聲音.不時 劃破靜夜. Continue reading
1. 劏房
女兒已15歲, 功課已很繁重, 她的作業, 書本放滿一床。
請記得他們可愛的臉, 和他們的大眼睛.
還有打在他們腦門上 砰 的槍聲
他門是仔仔小牛 他們的媽媽產奶 Continue reading
先焗香了這些根莖 (胡蘿蔔比番薯略多, 加少許薑) , 放椰奶加水打蓉, 再放了玉桂粉和小茴香, 燒開, 以海鹽調味便成。 暖胃, 好味。