Jail Break 越獄

Jail break

皇帝蟹拒絕乖乖躺平. 一直堅持jail break, 看得人心裏發毛, 真想伸手救他, 但香港不是阿拉斯加…堅持把片看到最後, 或許這世界並非絕望, 即使這生命的結局我們都知道. My impulse to lift this crab out of hell was strong, as this crab's attempted jail break prolong. But HK is not Alaska, where this crab was from. The only comfort is – towards the end…..

Posted by Vegan Earth Watch 素看地球 on Monday, December 18, 2017

這是香港仔的富臨洒家。皇帝蟹拒絕乖乖躺平.任宰, 一直堅持越獄, 看著牠的爪子在光滑的玻璃上不停抓動, 心裏發毛, 真想伸手救他, 但香港不是阿拉斯加, 將牠拉出來了又向何往……然而, 堅持把片看到最後, 或許這世界的明天並非絕望, 即使這今天的結局我們都知道.  其他人都在漠視牠的存在, 留在身邊的只有這小孩.
「那不是餓肚子了嗎? 你餓吧. 」
「餓. 但我不想吃.」
他扁了扁嘴, 然後搖頭.
他留了多久我不知道, 我家離開的時候, 他還在。

My impulse to lift this crab out of hell was strong, as this crab’s attempted jail break prolongs_. But HK is not Alaska. It is an restaurant in Aberdeen, HK, too far from where this crab was from. The only comfort is despite the dark clouds over our heads,  there might still be a silver line tomorrow towards the end of this clip. While one one gives a damn towards this persisting jail breaker, this child insisted staying with it and refused to join his family over the dinner table for he so cares about the animal.