Monthly Archives: July 2014


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挑皮的  一彈一彈的  才停在地上




可惜, 這是城市




動物不是商品, 北美有城市已禁買賣…只能認養….香港不是要超英趕美嗎? 另外: 那麼為基層與動物著想,為這些友伴們爭取:SPCA 延長正常門診時間,  2. 公共交通乘車時段   3.公園可使用時間, 4.公屋居民與友伴公屋評核試啦…..

ref: 民建聯議員陳恆鑌認為發牌門檻不應設得太高:「假如我哋將門檻有咁高扯咁高,去到最後呢,可能啲基層市民、弱勢社群,佢真係好想搵隻寵物陪佢嘅,但由於門檻咁高呢,咁就引致個價格非常之昂貴….因為你咁高門檻丫嘛,咁相對個價格可能都會非常昂貴,咁我都非常之擔心。」

西九故事 Kowloon West Stories

A friend’s publishing house is releasing a book on two proposals for the Kowloon West, It reminded me that I have one too….that i once submitted to Legco. I hace 2.5 minutes to present my paper, and councillors minds were elsewhere. It got me a bit disheartened. Yet, i think i should daylight it….for its own sake.

One bit I still love very much is how I envisioned the boat school once provided education to the lowly children of the sea transformed into an eco-art centre still sitting on water.  If interested, read on in the paper below (the link). And I like the drilled cores to tell the making of the place too. Let’s call in Coring West Kowloon. For other suggestions on history and environment of the place…read on.

West Kowloon stories

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