Monthly Archives: January 2018

從挪威禁皮毛農場到中國動保法的難產 From Norway’s fur farm ban to the difficult birth of China’s animal protection bill.

挪威加入了禁毛皮農場行列, 原來之前已有11國作先例, 而比利時和盧森堡正在考慮加入. 瑞典 瑞士 及德國則在嚴苛法例讓這些「農場」無法生存.
為什麼本是毛皮大國曾擁2萬農場的國度會成功立法 — 簡單的說, 這在挪威已是夕陽工業, 只有400人在200農場受僱, 佔的是全球皮毛市場的3%(狐)及1%(狸)的份額, 不會影響大泛圍國家經濟和人民生活. 而且, 當Gucci和一眾名牌在打退場鼓, 他們的前境是昏暗的. 8年寬限期是希望那200個農場可慢慢收縮, 雖然我們希望那些被判死刑的動物可立刻重出生天.
挪威立禁也只是重複了國家立法不會走在人民之前. 因為不被支持得法例根本無法執行/成本太高. 這亦是大陸動物保護法草案已出現了12年還出不了台的基本原因. 看最近打狗案, 大眾籲論都在支持「執法」, 小部份為金毛可樂喊寃的被罵為狗粉/奴. 當然大部份喊寃者都是衝著那名民警, 而沒有對準法律真空,於是被打成引發矛盾的暴民. 怎樣也好, 要保護法出台, 最重要的是爭取群眾支持, 讓他們見到和感受富中殘酷. 單喊反對的口水戰只會為對方的戰意加油, 引發更多對小動物(及其他弱勢者)的暴力.
在金毛可樂這件事上, 那條視頻只看了幾秒, 但到如今依然不安, 只做的, 便只是為「可樂」哀鳴的微博回讚, 幫手掃盲(大部份人都不認識狗的身體語言)(+解讀影片) 和鼓勵倡導工作.
為什麼要關注內地? 因為那片紅色大地已取替挪威成為皮毛中心, 其中包括貓狗.
Norway just banned fur farms. The now law will come to effect in 2025, despite our wish that it could be happening now. Yet, this is another example that jurisdictional changes are always tailgating people only. Norway now has only 200 farms hiring 400+ people, while Gucci and other big brands are ditching animal skins. That is also why advocacy and education are so important for shifting a place’s general opinions. For those who are outraged over the beating of Cola the golden retriever to death in China, and can read and write Chinese, you are encouraged to join the discussions in weibo direct. Stay calm and let people know more and be connected to animals, while deconstructing the materials against them. What can help bring the draft animal protection laws to become real to become real in China? It is the Chinese people themselves.

news source:

冬日的陽光II – 蕃茄濃湯 Winterlude II – Thick Tomato Soup with Eggplant and mushroom

心要安靜, 才能真心下廚
這是在靜修院的禪修.  兩人份.
蕃茄和茄子都慢火煎香, 才下小鎬,
平面鑊旁邊還放上切了片的白磨菇 後下.
慢火慢慢   出了濃湯, 小茴香 月桂葉
一室   感恩





Jail Break 越獄

Jail break

皇帝蟹拒絕乖乖躺平. 一直堅持jail break, 看得人心裏發毛, 真想伸手救他, 但香港不是阿拉斯加…堅持把片看到最後, 或許這世界並非絕望, 即使這生命的結局我們都知道. My impulse to lift this crab out of hell was strong, as this crab's attempted jail break prolong. But HK is not Alaska, where this crab was from. The only comfort is – towards the end…..

Posted by Vegan Earth Watch 素看地球 on Monday, December 18, 2017

這是香港仔的富臨洒家。皇帝蟹拒絕乖乖躺平.任宰, 一直堅持越獄, 看著牠的爪子在光滑的玻璃上不停抓動, 心裏發毛, 真想伸手救他, 但香港不是阿拉斯加, 將牠拉出來了又向何往……然而, 堅持把片看到最後, 或許這世界的明天並非絕望, 即使這今天的結局我們都知道.  其他人都在漠視牠的存在, 留在身邊的只有這小孩.
「那不是餓肚子了嗎? 你餓吧. 」
「餓. 但我不想吃.」
他扁了扁嘴, 然後搖頭.
他留了多久我不知道, 我家離開的時候, 他還在。

My impulse to lift this crab out of hell was strong, as this crab’s attempted jail break prolongs_. But HK is not Alaska. It is an restaurant in Aberdeen, HK, too far from where this crab was from. The only comfort is despite the dark clouds over our heads,  there might still be a silver line tomorrow towards the end of this clip. While one one gives a damn towards this persisting jail breaker, this child insisted staying with it and refused to join his family over the dinner table for he so cares about the animal.

「豬朋狗友」不是貶詞是勇敢的老死 “Pigs” no longer a derogatory term.Check this video.

See the dramatic moment that a pig rushes in to save his friends life moments before slaughter.Farmed animals are highly intelligent, social animals that DO NOT WANT TO BE KILLED.Pigs form close bonds and greet each other by rubbing their noses together.Given the chance, they sleep nose-to-nose with their companions.Every year, around 70 billion land animals are sent to their deaths by the animal farming industry.By going vegan, YOU could help reduce this number by hundreds per year. from Newsflare

Posted by Manchester Pig Save on Friday, January 12, 2018

看視頻, 「豬朋狗友」再不是貶詞, 而是勇氣和老死(好朋友)的代號. 很多時候我們從語文開始便在抹黑一些動物, 來支持/建構我們對牠們的歧視和廹害. 這些語文也入心入肺的控制了我們的思想和情緒, 鞏固了前者. 要改世界觀, 重組語文或重新定義是必需的. 你想到什麼中文裏以動物為內涵的貶詞嗎?
From this video, calling people “pigs” shouldn’t be a derogatory term anymore, but stands for bravery/real friends?. Meanings of words are constructed to reflect and reinforce the values/order of a society. Their power lies in their ability to sink into our subconsciousness which effects to control our body and mind.
To instigate change, language cannot be left off the plate — we have to re-define, re-image or reject what have been circulating. You have some of these words or phrases in mind?


前日見面書貼文說香港回收場女工要手撕塑膠上的紙質價目標籤.呼籲大家加點勁, 自己先處理才送出. 看後, 感覺很不好了.
要撕得撒底要用化學溶液, 女工們用的是什麼, 是常用的松節油麼?. .松節油有毒, 希望是用無毒的代替品. 有人知道嗎?
要清除所有紙質粘附, 若不用上化學品, 其實很費時, 也清理不撒底, 用家自行清理才回收可以減省女工工作量, 但擔子和吸收化學品的風險又是分攤在忙到甩尾的女性身上, 由於事情太花時間, 這要求是在鼓勵人直接拋棄. 垃圾收費的阻嚇作用只是階級問題.
能將紙膠分離的機器是存在的, 能源是用多了, 這點電, 一定可在別處省回來. 化學品對比不清楚, 但是肯定要有地/空間..這要政策扶持. 
又或從那些標貼的物料著手, 減免手撕需要.

冬日的陽光 – 黃薑小米粥 Winterlude – Turmeric Millet Congee

黃澄澄的, 好暖心. 黃薑暖胃. 加進了三角豆、西蘭花和一彎的亞麻籽, 是冬日健康的喜悅. 小米有很多讓人快樂的維他命B集.
The golden yellow turmeric is both warming and heart warming.  Chickpeas, broccoli and a crescent of flax seeds made it a winter delight. Millet has a good dose of happy Vit B.