Category Archives: environment環境

Commemorating the 10th anniversary of the Killer Tsunami – the lost connection with nature and gender inequity

THE LOST MANGROVE : As we commemorate the killer tsunami that hit south Asia 10 years ago, I remember a monument proposal I submitted 5 years ago — The Lost Mangrove”, its title …. commenting on the dire consequences of clearing one’s guardian angels, mangroves and corals, to make ways for tourist, shrimp/prawn farms and other facilities in the name of economy..

The proposal also meant to commemorate that there were 3 times as many women died as men when the tsunami struck. Continue reading

消費美麗灣 : 水母的永生與永死

DSC06686早前有報道指陸陸在灣灣墾丁執嘢, 私自拿取海岸公園的石頭 貝殼 珊瑚 海星等破壞那兒環境, 心想, 香港可能只是50笑一百步。如果去過橋咀, 貝澳都知道港港執嘢的猖狂……一個下午, 橋咀整條露出水面的沙面已是千蒼百孔, 不少家庭則是滿載而歸, 兩袋大蜆將膠袋撐得滿滿…..貝澳也一樣…..於那些人來說, 他們沒想那麼多, 挖呀挖, 便是好玩的戶外娛樂, 沒想過對那些地方帶來甚麼後果. Continue reading


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挑皮的  一彈一彈的  才停在地上




可惜, 這是城市



西九故事 Kowloon West Stories

A friend’s publishing house is releasing a book on two proposals for the Kowloon West, It reminded me that I have one too….that i once submitted to Legco. I hace 2.5 minutes to present my paper, and councillors minds were elsewhere. It got me a bit disheartened. Yet, i think i should daylight it….for its own sake.

One bit I still love very much is how I envisioned the boat school once provided education to the lowly children of the sea transformed into an eco-art centre still sitting on water.  If interested, read on in the paper below (the link). And I like the drilled cores to tell the making of the place too. Let’s call in Coring West Kowloon. For other suggestions on history and environment of the place…read on.

West Kowloon stories

 boatWestKln Continue reading


今天是世界水日, 今年沒有籌辨什麼特別的事情. 就在網上支持一下今年的主題: 水與能源. 我們大多數的能源都需要大量的水來生產, 除比較廣為人知的欄河取電和核電由開採, 產電和放置核廢大量用水所造成的環境問題外, 對其他的真的不大知道: 如洗煤的高污染, 油沙開採更是大量耗水耗能, 最新的裂岩取氣技術在破壞地下水層…. … 無一可取.  香港早應加入「2000瓦社會」, 致力將人均耗電減半, 今天加上的理由, 是為地球的一縷清泉水….


環境裡的糾結與結連 ──寫在「無雪櫃生活第400天」

*此乃一個分享的筆錄,有點隨意和長. 慎入; 原載在《你必須改變你的生活》;出版Roundtable Synergy Books; 相片為後加.

去年搬家,我也以為在酷熱的香港生活,一台雪櫃是必備的,但卻因找不到家人運送來的小雪櫃連接電源的插線,讓我有機會停下來問自己:「你真的需要一台雪櫃過日子嗎?」話不能說了算,用實驗來證明才最實在。。於是我從去年(2009)3月底開始了一個「無雪櫃實驗」。這個實驗很快揭破了 Continue reading