No Room for Her 她, 沒門

boardcontent無家可歸, 不單是顯眼的流浪漢的問題, 只是由於女性無家者比較隱閉, 少人看見. 不少女性無家者, 都是因虐待與欺凌而無家, 女性因身體的特質多不會選擇走到在無遮無掩和對她們而言一樣「危險」的街道上居住, 而是選擇一個有瓦遮頭的依靠, 然而, 她們很多都沒有太多選擇, 寄居的地方很多時都一樣對她們欺凌/施虐/作不了主. 即使那個依靠也不一定讓她對自主身體, 所以她們也是無家, 只是因為她們的隱閉,而不被發現和關注, 除非出了大事.  本來社會上的婦女庇護中應是對所有需要庇護的女性中門大開, 讓她們得到保護, 可是一些被虐婦女卻因這些中心不容許她們帶上動物友伴, 而家中的動物往往也是在家暴中受虐一員, 不接受動物隨身的規定, 只能讓擔心這些動物安危的婦女望門長嘆, 這系列將睡不了的床架放在大街旁邊九個月, 由一只黑木貓看著,  按季節加上參與式活動, 探看有關的種種 (點開相).

Homelessness is not just a situation that mostly male street sleepers are facing, but it is shared by many women trapped in domestic violence, but could not reside in the streets like their men, as the openness of the street to them is inconvenient, unsafe and dangerous. Many of them opt to tolerate the abuses or to choose to live  with someone else, even if their autonomous over their bodies is compromised just to live under a roof.

Women’s shelters suppose to be for all women who need support , but this is not the case for those women with animal companions because of the no animal policies of most, if not all shelters. Many women chose to stay with their animal friends, lest their lives and well being will be under threat. This project explores the issue by installing a set of bed ends by the sidewalk  watched by a wooden black cat cut out for over 9 months. Participative events were organized each season to further explore the hidden stories behind (click open the blue photo for more).

