Tag Archives: films

Short notes on Tree of Life

This God in the film is very different from many churches’ projection – which seldom looks at the book of Job – a power drama discussing the absurdity of God and the suffering of humans + the neutrality of these things. Seriously, I felt very little with those science dominated images of creation, that are to me taking the perspective of God. These super clear images also contradicted the character’s psychological stages as well as to his understanding of the God correspondingly. While music is also central to the film, Continue reading

Agora《穹蒼下的女神 》觀後的女性反思   

海珮蒂亞(Hypatia of Alexandria 西元350-415)被譽為世界首位著名的女性哲學家、數學家、天文學家,在博學院任教,深受貴族弟子們愛慕。當時的亞歷山大港是自由開放的世界學術重地,繼承希臘傳統文化。可是以貧民為主的基督徒日漸壯大,用「神蹟」煽動群眾反上層反「異教」,圍攻博學院,破壞大圖書館。羅馬軍方無法控制,唯有接受基督信仰,排斥任何對抗的人,還敵視曾經合作的猶太教徒。大膽敢言的海珮蒂亞被貴族才俊癡戀,被熱血奴隸暗戀,她則專注學問,在血腥狂暴的衝突中,仍然苦心鑽研地球與太陽的運行軌迹。但她終於成為教會專制極權的犧牲品,遭基督徒暴民凌虐殘殺。片中充滿宗教爭議並大膽地提出批判及反思。西班牙人艾美尼巴(Alejandro Amenabar)一手包辦了導演和編劇。 Continue reading