Tag Archives: coal 煤

1/6384 The Last Words of a Coal Miner 一名礦工的遺言

In the year 2003, 6348 coal mining casualties were officially reported. Estimated unreported death in private mines might be its double.  Nièqingwen was among those who lost his life in Hunan. Knowing his fate ahead after his mine collapsed, he wrote his last words on his helmet during his last hours in the mine.

On the outside of the helmet: It is difficult to say goodbye to my love ones; I owe my mother 200 Yuan; and Deng 100 Yuan. Inside the helmet, he addressed his wife: JianJiang, take care of the young ones, and be good to parents. Be sure your good acts will be rewarded. He also wrote about his guarantee deposit and salary he had with his company.

His last words were carbon-copied onto the white mugs which required lots of energy in their production.

2003, 6348名礦工在礦難中死亡。如果包括瞞報和私有礦場數字,總人數會倍增。聶清文便是在那年在湖南礦井賠上了生命,當知道自己將與死神握手,在他的安全帽上寫下他給家人最後的思念和交帶。

