The 6-week Vegan Challenge is just over, Mary has just written in to sum up how she did, from the day the film Vegucated was showed. Congratulations to Mary as well as to everyone who have put your best foot out in here. Yes, being vegan is not a magic solution to all food related cruelty and injustices, say, the recent reportage on the popularity of quinao grown in South America is starving the local farmers there, as they could afford the food no more. Yet, it is a foot set in a good course, a good course that opens us and sensitizes us to many hidden dilemmas and realities, so that we could develop our own ethics instead of being dragged along.
I have thought about whether the UN’s waving this flag as their micro control over people, as they have no means to control giant corporations that produces cars, aeroplanes, oil, meat and diary etc, so they downloaded the responsibility on us…Just like they have waved the population flag before, as
they could not change those in the West on their energy consumption habits……Oh well, if so, so be it…That is something I could do. Besides, that doesn’t mean that i am leaving my public transportation and turn back on my fridge. Nor it means I would not frequence the streets to protest against ….etc etc!!! Anyway, to though who newly joined the vegan food movement, keep up your effort, and a final notes before I finish this post off, an animated short…on the topic. I do love this kind of propaganda….. 😀
Global warming. Do you know?