Monthly Archives: November 2011
No Fridge Tactics 無雪櫃攻略 Hypofresh 水養菜
Living in a warm temperate Hong Kong without a fridge is a challenge. Being a vegetarian helps. I put my leafy veggie in a container of water of direct sunlight and change water everyday to keep it fresh. And IT WORKS. The picture shows the choy sum bunch the third day.
在溫帶氣候要過無雪櫃的日子是個挑戰。作為素食人絕對是個優勝條件。要將有葉蔬菜保鮮,我把買來的菜心放到水裏,安置在沒有猛烈陽光的地方, 天天換水。這方法行的, 圖裏的菜心已是買回來第3天了.
Korean Pancake Remembered 念·韓國煎餅
I lived with a Korean friend for almost 3 years who introduced me to her Korean pancakes. I am remembering those days and those pancakes as I made mine. 我曾和一韓國女友同住3年,現在正在懷念那些韓國煎餅和那些日子。
Ingredients: Panfried onion strips and flour. Avocado, sea salt, pepper and seasame seeds.
材料: 煎香的洋蔥條、麵粉。上放牛油果、芝麻、海鹽、胡椒粉。