地球之歌(Earth Song) 歌词

earth song 剛舉行的動物崇拜用了Earth Song 作結,以記念傷害的,不單是我們的貓朋狗友。這是我為這首歌的翻釋。

 What about sunrise 日出怎麼了?  What about rain 雨呢 ?What about all the things that you said we were to gain..你说过我们將會拥有的又怎麼了? 

What about killing fields 還有那些血流成河的殺戮?Is there a time 是否,這都是背後有祢主宰。。。 Continue reading

我們怎麼了? Michael Jackson給世人的提問 

剛舉行的動物崇拜用了Earth Song 作結,以記念傷害的,不單是我們的貓朋狗友。這是當天有關這首歌的小序。

當神創世之初,人與人之間,人與動物之間,動物與動物之間的關係是親密的,有愛的。曾幾何時,這些關係漸次消失,代之而起的是疏離,剥削,甚至是謀害,因為這個世界已不是整全,而是四分五裂的分成:我、你、他/她/它/祂/牠。於是,這星球遍野都是哀鳴、都是低哭,只是我們習以為常,不見不聞。 Continue reading




 昨天的動物崇拜有參加者帶了隻才3、4個月大的小柴犬,嘴巴尖尖的,精緻可人。崇拜過後大伙兒到茶餐廳吃茶閒聊,談及日本種的狗隻都有很好聽的名字,例如秋田犬,日本田園犬,但香港土生土長的都通通叫作「唐狗」。 Continue reading

Two Elements 二元

showpromo2011bb An advanced city is characterized not by how truthful it is but by how it hides and disconnects its dwellers from what is keeping the city going and alive, and most importantly energy and and water. This project seeks to reveal what has been dismissed and covered up by reconnecting the lost dots in the city. 一個進步的城市往往是是一個被高度管治的城市,讓居其中者與維持城市生命氣息的元素疏離,包括能量和水的輸送及源頭。這展覽嘗試尋索這些被埋的連線。


Her name is Ah Sau

Elegance, beautiful and excellence — High expectations of her parents.

She was indeed a gorgeous woman. Yet, underneath her fine appearance, there was something hidden.

It all began when she moved to Canada. A silky thread found its way to the side of her name, and transformed her name into the character for embroidery. The two characters pronounced the same.

A needlewoman she became the year she arrived in Toronto.  For a wage the Italian embroidery hands before her rejected, she needled in and needled out, she made her living.

So her young hands started busily working at a corner around Dundas and Spadina, embellishing the already beautiful chiffon and silk with threads of silver and crystal beads, needle by needle.

Her work made the day of many brides as they walked down the aisle in their dreamed attire so affordable.  Tagged to the wedding gowns a little piece of paper telling how much these bridal dreams cost. It worked out that the brides paid the stated portion, Ah Sau and her colleagues subsidized the rest.

Ah Sau received $15 per hour for her 8 years of experience in making these white gowns so fair, yet the low wage did not pay off her eyes and her health lost.

When I asked her to write me her contact, he 25 year-old woman had to read for her reading glasses. Her keen eyesight was no longer with her, after 8 years of intense detailed work.

I met her in a community health clinic, the place she sought help for her failing health.

Then for 4 years I lost touch with her. I wondered in the streets she worked looking for her.

The gowns in the windows were still beautifully ornamented, the loft prices however had gone right down.

The little tags attached have another line added…reassuring us that they are still the work of fine Chinese hands. Only that, these workers are not residing in Canada, but from a place called China, where young women with swifty fingers and keen eyes never short of supply. More importantly, they are willing to work the needle for just a dim…

Over there are many Ah Sau …turning out the all white gowns for our local brides.