Category Archives: place 地方

西九故事 Kowloon West Stories

A friend’s publishing house is releasing a book on two proposals for the Kowloon West, It reminded me that I have one too….that i once submitted to Legco. I hace 2.5 minutes to present my paper, and councillors minds were elsewhere. It got me a bit disheartened. Yet, i think i should daylight it….for its own sake.

One bit I still love very much is how I envisioned the boat school once provided education to the lowly children of the sea transformed into an eco-art centre still sitting on water.  If interested, read on in the paper below (the link). And I like the drilled cores to tell the making of the place too. Let’s call in Coring West Kowloon. For other suggestions on history and environment of the place…read on.

West Kowloon stories

 boatWestKln Continue reading


                                 小時候, 放學後經常周圍蹓達才回家, 愛美也愛靜, 所以喜歡興漢道, 那當時有老師住在這兒, 我還記得她的背, 近一年, 暫養大狗後, 我跟Cissy每次走過那兒, 看著老房子原好美麗的, 總是很心安, 以為它已經捱過了那麼多的歲月, 便會一直在那兒呆下去….  Continue reading


photo by: Tai Ngai Lung

婦女動力基金10周年紀念嘉許了5位「敢於改變」的女性, 當其他4位得獎人都是在推動社會改變時, 坪輋村民李鳳眉的獎項其實也可以說是「敢於改變」獎, 因她在努力拉著推土機, 讓腳下那片地維持青蔥不變, 一切都可以「原地踏步」, 弔詭得可以.

坪輋在哪兒? 知道的人不多. 它所屬的區份便是我們常在天氣報告中聽到氣溫比市區高出或低過三四度的打鼓嶺, 深圳就是它的阰鄰. 如果你登上那兒的高崗紅花嶺, 眼前便是一片美麗的田野和與其形成強烈對比, 是在邊界另一邊密密麻麻的高樓大廈. 坪輋從前水豐, 種稻, 後來政府的治河工程將小溪渠化和挖深河床, 加上及後的水庫和集水工程, 拿走了坪輋的水, 摧毀了那兒的水稻, 和本來緊密的農產社區, Continue reading

Heart of Stone

A government anti-street sleeper structure outside Kwun Tong Pier. How about calling it –Heart of Stone – and include it as an exhibit of Shenzhen Hong Kong Architecture Biennale? to mark the reality of this city?