不太年青的攝影人拿著最近的作品去見出版人. 出版人翻開那大本子: 「噫, 裏面都是畫哦, 你不照相了嗎?」
那攝影人說: 「哦. 現在的畫可以賣十多廿十萬, 照片才幾萬元, 當然要畫點畫的..」
我路過. 無語.
不太年青的攝影人拿著最近的作品去見出版人. 出版人翻開那大本子: 「噫, 裏面都是畫哦, 你不照相了嗎?」
那攝影人說: 「哦. 現在的畫可以賣十多廿十萬, 照片才幾萬元, 當然要畫點畫的..」
我路過. 無語.
As a city dweller that is disconnected with the weather, the farms and nature…. it is quite easily that I have those festivals that were once upon a time so important for survival forgotten… And I just did. I skipped the Winter Solstice. The longest night reminds people that winter is here and the Earth(the northern hemisphere) will become frigid and cold in the coming two months. To compensate for my absentmindedness, i am pulling out an old article from my files about this solar marker and the community spirits that it once induced and including it back in this blog, just to remind myself how forgetful and fragmented this world I live in has become….
The article was published in Making Waves, WICC, winter, 2007
Doing the Winter ….The East Asian Way of Spending the Longest Night
The Winter Solstice, or the longest night of the year, has had immense importance in many northern cultures from antiquity. This event marks the beginning of the sun’s next cycle. Although the coldest days are yet to come, this day also promises that the frigid land will soon be warmed by the sun’s returning rays. Continue reading
我不接受包容論, 那是迫自已接受自己看不過的事情, 只是表面的平安無事, 如果思前想後都是覺得自己那一套好, 便倡導改善,
小孩在旺大街上便溺是讓人煩心, 走上前, 遞上多一點的紙巾/報紙, Continue reading
黃秋生 – 港產片+ 張曼玉 – 歷史流去電影留存 第三十三屆香港電影金像獎頒獎典禮
有人指張曼玉在以上影片插進老片對白”什麼大陸香港台灣, 我們都是中國人” 的片段很膠(大中華)….. 其實那可以解讀為她在闡述她的成長環境…. 80後可能不是這樣長大, 但於五六七十後, 於大部份人來說, 那便是他們的成長環境….. 長大以後, 有人繼續認同, 有人去國籍化….. 有人精神分裂了….. 但從前是沒有什麼說不了的…
Cap 自 Facebook. 作者不詳
只想記存一下這幀在面書上這有1777個like, 隱諭女性抱著的是stigma(花柱也是恥辱的圖.我不讚成送花, 因為種花業所做成對環境/階級/種族/社群/女性僱工的剝削, (見另文), 但對花本身沒什麼意見, 包括花的性事. 面對女性拿著生殖器滿街走的揶揄, 我想起當的研究植物的西方女性被指埋頭研究花田性事會學得不道德不知羞恥 而被迫放棄研究……這圖和展示的思想是一脈相乘吧? 有人說這圖只是真相了
Watts, Ruth, Women in Science: A Social and Cultural History. (London and New York: 2007), pg. 63.
Prayer and a segment of the Monologues from the Margin written 2 yrs ago 數年前寫的禱文和邊沿獨白的其中一則《花田女下》, 適時元宵暨情人節, 便修飾了再貼一下:
可以張開雙眼 觀望 (將手蓋在眼上,打開)
打開雙耳 傾聽 (將手蓋在雙耳,打開)
倘開心扉 感受 (將手按在心口 Continue reading
1. 我們對懷著不同意念或走得太前的人的不接受和攻擊 (她的裙裝在娛圈近幾年流行了, 還是酷的代表)
2. 我們對不同性向者的不接受與歧視 (看霸王別姬和春光乍 他沒有得獎的理由, 特別是春)
3. 我們對憂鬱”症”和其藥品的侵害性的不認識, 不知其會加強其中一些人的自毀意識 (以及他毀意識)
4. 我們沒有反思和社會批判的能力, 10年了, 我們知道了些什麼.
Warning: Antidepressants May Lead to Suicidal Tendencies
The Piano - a film by Jane Campion
Listening to a piece of good music is like
looking at a cat
sitting on our lap or laptop, purring
demanding us
to set everything aside
to attend to her fully
body soul and mind
they will grace us with the pleasure
that our heart asks for
just like the other title of this song…