Modified from a dish prepared by a group of Afghanistan women I tried. 改自由一個阿富汗婦女團體烹調的一度菜
Ingredients: Tomato and sun dried tomato paste, fresh shiitaki mushrooms, hairy melon, dried soya strips, garlic, corianda, salt
材料: 蕃茄及日乾茄漿、鮮冬菇、節瓜、豆乾絲、莞茜及蒜粒
The Last Peep or the first of Sentience
I had my last peep of this world at the junction of Lakeshore and the Exh.
Beautiful blue sky I saw;
Water sparkling;
Trees nodding gently to the winds.
That was
my last peep of this world; It was
also my first. Continue reading