Preserved olive leaves and potato 欖菜拌薯條 Olive leaves and potato strips Too simple to be true…好簡單, 好好味!!! pan fried onion and potato strips to be braised with olive leaves preserved in olive oil. A pinch of rock salt to enhance the taste. 欖菜, 洋蔥及薯條 … 少許海鹽來調味
Afghanistan Tomato Spaghetti 阿富汗蕃茄意粉 Modified from a dish prepared by a group of Afghanistan women I tried. 改自由一個阿富汗婦女團體烹調的一度菜 Ingredients: Tomato and sun dried tomato paste, fresh shiitaki mushrooms, hairy melon, dried soya strips, garlic, corianda, salt 材料: 蕃茄及日乾茄漿、鮮冬菇、節瓜、豆乾絲、莞茜及蒜粒
Miso dual麵豉雙拼 – Vegetarian cooking思胃素餐 Original lost while changing webhosting. 麵豉湯材料Soup ingredients: Bean Sprout, fresh sataki mushrooms, carrot, miso, and a trinadad hot paste. salt 大豆芽, 鮮冬菇, 麵豉醬,胡蘿蔔, 千里達辣醬, Pizza: 麵豉醬, 菠菜, 黑橄榄 red miso, spinach, black olive