過了很久 才漸漸明白過來
現在 卻什麼都忘了
殊 請不要提我
過了很久 才漸漸明白過來
現在 卻什麼都忘了
殊 請不要提我
香港有很多大魚缸, 在酒家前養著超大的魚兒, 大魚好貴, 店家在炫耀自己的財富, 也在招財.
裏面可能是蘇眉 , 可能是龍躉, 都是在海裏活了多少年, 累積了多少生的經驗, 去過了多少地方.
你曾經站在那些魚缸前面, 細看裏面的魚兒, 跟牠對望嗎? Continue reading
THE LOST MANGROVE : As we commemorate the killer tsunami that hit south Asia 10 years ago, I remember a monument proposal I submitted 5 years ago — The Lost Mangrove”, its title …. commenting on the dire consequences of clearing one’s guardian angels, mangroves and corals, to make ways for tourist, shrimp/prawn farms and other facilities in the name of economy..
The proposal also meant to commemorate that there were 3 times as many women died as men when the tsunami struck. Continue reading
As a city dweller that is disconnected with the weather, the farms and nature…. it is quite easily that I have those festivals that were once upon a time so important for survival forgotten… And I just did. I skipped the Winter Solstice. The longest night reminds people that winter is here and the Earth(the northern hemisphere) will become frigid and cold in the coming two months. To compensate for my absentmindedness, i am pulling out an old article from my files about this solar marker and the community spirits that it once induced and including it back in this blog, just to remind myself how forgetful and fragmented this world I live in has become….
The article was published in Making Waves, WICC, winter, 2007
Doing the Winter ….The East Asian Way of Spending the Longest Night
The Winter Solstice, or the longest night of the year, has had immense importance in many northern cultures from antiquity. This event marks the beginning of the sun’s next cycle. Although the coldest days are yet to come, this day also promises that the frigid land will soon be warmed by the sun’s returning rays. Continue reading
It is a simple dish with turmeric, garlic, soy milk as sauce, Continue reading
領滙接手公共屋邨商場管理後, 對商戶、空間與環境都帶來了不少轉變,對公屋居民更是加添了不少經濟和生活壓力, 特別是於要持家的婦女。然而, 由於媒體的報導多集中在領滙對商戶的影響,對婦女所受的影響卻少穫垂注,對領匯現象缺乏性別和階級上的分析。早前新婦女協進會的一份報告指出不少公屋女性居民的身心健康都不太理想,而區內提供支援服務不足或欠奉,她們自己的社區網絡亦相當薄弱,以至她們要自已承受的壓力巨大。樂富也是公共房屋社區,如今領滙將屋邨內的樂富商場來了個翻天覆地的改變,將商場的檔次再次推高,進一步脫離與坊眾的消費能力與模式,這個與會址位於樂富香港婦女基督徒協會協辦的電子述事項目,是希望區內婦女可以有一個講述自己與領匯相關的故事的平台,還懂得簡單的製作方法和學會如何使用網絡上傳播媒體,並希望在過程中,透過接觸和互動,參加者能明白領匯之下的對她們不利的環境經濟,和建立起一個關懷網絡。 Continue reading
早前有報道指陸陸在灣灣墾丁執嘢, 私自拿取海岸公園的石頭 貝殼 珊瑚 海星等破壞那兒環境, 心想, 香港可能只是50笑一百步。如果去過橋咀, 貝澳都知道港港執嘢的猖狂……一個下午, 橋咀整條露出水面的沙面已是千蒼百孔, 不少家庭則是滿載而歸, 兩袋大蜆將膠袋撐得滿滿…..貝澳也一樣…..於那些人來說, 他們沒想那麼多, 挖呀挖, 便是好玩的戶外娛樂, 沒想過對那些地方帶來甚麼後果. Continue reading
挑皮的 一彈一彈的 才停在地上
可惜, 這是城市
動物不是商品, 北美有城市已禁買賣…只能認養….香港不是要超英趕美嗎? 另外: 那麼為基層與動物著想,為這些友伴們爭取:SPCA 延長正常門診時間, 2. 公共交通乘車時段 3.公園可使用時間, 4.公屋居民與友伴公屋評核試啦…..