麵粉螢火蟲以記念油街的老建築物前那片地曾經是生物天堂的沼澤地和沙螺洞已消失的螢火蟲天地, 以及人和大自然的撕裂. Fireflies of dough to commemorate the once upon a time bio diversity heaven of this patch of Continue reading
麵粉螢火蟲以記念油街的老建築物前那片地曾經是生物天堂的沼澤地和沙螺洞已消失的螢火蟲天地, 以及人和大自然的撕裂. Fireflies of dough to commemorate the once upon a time bio diversity heaven of this patch of Continue reading
Material : Invisible Marker 物料: 隱形墨水筆
隱形墨水所反射的光頻只是雀鳥不靠特別燈光才能見到.昨晚,在油街活動室的玻璃門前較黑的地方, 以隱形墨水在地上畫了and they fell like rain,和在活動室的一道玻璃門上畫了撞擊的裂痕。站在那兒舉頭便見到高聳的AIA玻璃幕牆。
香港有很多大魚缸, 在酒家前養著超大的魚兒, 大魚好貴, 店家在炫耀自己的財富, 也在招財.
裏面可能是蘇眉 , 可能是龍躉, 都是在海裏活了多少年, 累積了多少生的經驗, 去過了多少地方.
你曾經站在那些魚缸前面, 細看裏面的魚兒, 跟牠對望嗎? Continue reading
The two pieces explore the tensions and dismay hidden within this clear liquid essential to life.: On the Same Horizon and Dry Spell III. 兩組展品探索潛藏在水這生命必須的透明液體裏的張力與紛擾: 在同一水平線上 及 旱咒 III . Continue reading
The Toronto Islands with only 15 minutes from the city centre are designated as parkland. People flood there during holidays and weekends to be free from city hassles and to be with nature. But could they?
多倫多列島離多市中心只有15分鐘船程,是市民於假日和周 擺脫都市親近大自然的地方。但那兒真是樂土?
既然情人節有人談到花田性事(花是性器官), 還說那些是stigma那便將話題說開…._情人節人類的商品花不但是對出產地那兒侵害和剥削, 對花亦是, 人類管其甚麼時候盛放, 但盛放時已被剪枝, 不容交配_
An advanced city is characterized not by how truthful it is but by how it hides and disconnects its dwellers from what is keeping the city going and alive, and most importantly energy and and water. This project seeks to reveal what has been dismissed and covered up by reconnecting the lost dots in the city. 一個進步的城市往往是是一個被高度管治的城市,讓居其中者與維持城市生命氣息的元素疏離,包括能量和水的輸送及源頭。這展覽嘗試尋索這些被埋的連線。