Category Archives: karma 業

Jumbo – soul lost at sea

And found out  its destiny ……
finally. Not lost at sea.

or indeed lost?

Tipped over the point of no return in a rough sea, now a palace 1000 feet under, an abyss where denizens of waters play.
Karma of a seafood restaurant?

Karma of a city’s karma consuming three times more world average of
No one came to its rescue, during its long wait at Aberdeen typhoon shelter that it called home for the last 40 years, no one stopped it from being towed to the open sea, no one told its city where it was heading, none ooked out for it when it was turning over…
and then it was all over….i

It brought riches to the place and creating many fond memeories for many who came over……

It is now a collective memory, lost at sea

june 20, 2020



黃金時代 (1)

那年, 閨密的老公給我送書來, 一本是麵包與玫瑰, 一本是簫紅的《呼蘭河傳》. 那時候世界還是扶貧救災的火紅年代, 我也是在為那些在生活在地球邊沿的群體不斷奔走, 沒時間停下來看書. 看著寫簫紅的黃金時代, 我想起了故人. Continue reading




過了很久 才漸漸明白過來

現在        卻什麼都忘了

殊     請不要提我

四方街 41 Square St

square street 41少年時代, 當我要有家和溫暖的時候, 這個地址. 是其中一我找著庇對的地方. 朋友兄弟倆的爸媽就當我如女兒一樣. 讓我留多少時間都可以, 雖然我只是吃過晚飯便走, 但走時已是另一個人, 開開心心. 時過境遷, 上環已是面目全非, 人面何處,, 但對曾經的溫情我總是感恩和懷念. 他們家打磨玉器, 雖然我很年青便出了國, 沒有他們一件配飾, 但能遇上便是一塊最溫閨的美玉, 每次經過門前, 我都註足良久.

Listening to the Piano by Michael Nyman

The Piano - a film by Jane Campion


Listening to a piece of good music is like

looking at a cat

sitting on our lap or laptop,  purring

demanding us

to set everything aside

to attend to her fully

body              soul             and mind

they will grace us with the pleasure

that our heart asks for

just like the other title of this song…








So you’ve just become a woolie (woman out of love)?摸摸, 哭哭便好,  感冒菌都是這樣的,  學好對付一種, 新變種又來….最重要的是能好過來……將來的事,將來才算,在過中能認識自己和分辯那些「菌樣」多些便是好,人生不能無菌……
端午嗎……去喝雄黃酒解解毒吧,或上網看徐克版 青蛇…..破口大罵 裏面許仙那模樣男人的「菌樣」(男的女的都有菌樣, 此戲是男的, 不是歧視哦)….看到青蛇殺許仙的時候, 大聲喝道: 好, 妹子殺得好!!!!乾杯!!!!活該!!!!
當然法海更可恨, 全都是法海的錯, 錯在以為自己真是益生菌….活該被青蛇在往後的日子玩弄千年……就這樣…

摸摸 安安……
