Category Archives: community and art

從挪威禁皮毛農場到中國動保法的難產 From Norway’s fur farm ban to the difficult birth of China’s animal protection bill.

挪威加入了禁毛皮農場行列, 原來之前已有11國作先例, 而比利時和盧森堡正在考慮加入. 瑞典 瑞士 及德國則在嚴苛法例讓這些「農場」無法生存.
為什麼本是毛皮大國曾擁2萬農場的國度會成功立法 — 簡單的說, 這在挪威已是夕陽工業, 只有400人在200農場受僱, 佔的是全球皮毛市場的3%(狐)及1%(狸)的份額, 不會影響大泛圍國家經濟和人民生活. 而且, 當Gucci和一眾名牌在打退場鼓, 他們的前境是昏暗的. 8年寬限期是希望那200個農場可慢慢收縮, 雖然我們希望那些被判死刑的動物可立刻重出生天.
挪威立禁也只是重複了國家立法不會走在人民之前. 因為不被支持得法例根本無法執行/成本太高. 這亦是大陸動物保護法草案已出現了12年還出不了台的基本原因. 看最近打狗案, 大眾籲論都在支持「執法」, 小部份為金毛可樂喊寃的被罵為狗粉/奴. 當然大部份喊寃者都是衝著那名民警, 而沒有對準法律真空,於是被打成引發矛盾的暴民. 怎樣也好, 要保護法出台, 最重要的是爭取群眾支持, 讓他們見到和感受富中殘酷. 單喊反對的口水戰只會為對方的戰意加油, 引發更多對小動物(及其他弱勢者)的暴力.
在金毛可樂這件事上, 那條視頻只看了幾秒, 但到如今依然不安, 只做的, 便只是為「可樂」哀鳴的微博回讚, 幫手掃盲(大部份人都不認識狗的身體語言)(+解讀影片) 和鼓勵倡導工作.
為什麼要關注內地? 因為那片紅色大地已取替挪威成為皮毛中心, 其中包括貓狗.
Norway just banned fur farms. The now law will come to effect in 2025, despite our wish that it could be happening now. Yet, this is another example that jurisdictional changes are always tailgating people only. Norway now has only 200 farms hiring 400+ people, while Gucci and other big brands are ditching animal skins. That is also why advocacy and education are so important for shifting a place’s general opinions. For those who are outraged over the beating of Cola the golden retriever to death in China, and can read and write Chinese, you are encouraged to join the discussions in weibo direct. Stay calm and let people know more and be connected to animals, while deconstructing the materials against them. What can help bring the draft animal protection laws to become real to become real in China? It is the Chinese people themselves.

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