Category Archives: Image and notes

Jumbo – soul lost at sea

And found out  its destiny ……
finally. Not lost at sea.

or indeed lost?

Tipped over the point of no return in a rough sea, now a palace 1000 feet under, an abyss where denizens of waters play.
Karma of a seafood restaurant?

Karma of a city’s karma consuming three times more world average of
No one came to its rescue, during its long wait at Aberdeen typhoon shelter that it called home for the last 40 years, no one stopped it from being towed to the open sea, no one told its city where it was heading, none ooked out for it when it was turning over…
and then it was all over….i

It brought riches to the place and creating many fond memeories for many who came over……

It is now a collective memory, lost at sea

june 20, 2020