Category Archives: animal friends動物朋友

The not so charitable animal services provider

I was trying to visit the SPCA clinic last night because of a situation with Cissy, and realized that their opening hours are not really worker-friendly.

The time table they set is basically asking people to take time off to take their animal friends to see a vet there, otherwise, these people will be penalized to pay the emergency consultation fees. This time table is also punishing the animals they say they love, when their human companions could not take time off and could not afford the emergency consultation fee.


本地雞的一生: pic (aPPLE DAILY)… Life of chicken in a local farm…the only time that they have a chance to see the outside world is when they are on their way to their destiny. ‘雞農形容他們以天羅地網方式飼養,雞在飼養期間與外界隔絕,只在運往批發市場出售之時才與外界接觸” (明報)

新年之前又起殺雞之聲, 2萬只雞被屠殺. 當然, 這些雞本是未生已死, 香港每日殺雞7千, 肉食者實毋須感嘆生雞過不了年, 其實牠們怎都過不了.

從前的社會以農為本, 所以有三牲/五牲禮祭, 獻上自己最珍惜的上好牲畜和庄稼拜天祭地. 農民家窮, 吃上點肉也是天大的事情, 只在大時大節才會殺雞宰牛. 如今的香港以不再一樣, 既不種也不牧, 肉類消耗更是全球之首, 天天吃過不停, 不問緣因後果, 為何我們還要堅持以已經不珍惜的雞和豬祭祠? 還要在大時大節堅持大魚大肉?

如果我們還真是要堅持這種農業社會的文化, 那麼最少拿出心來, 最低限度要做少不虐生靈, 不污染和破壞環境的. 不然, 那拜祭天地和列祖列宗的祭祠, 恐怕不能招福, 而是招詛……

我們都是等著海冰的白熊 — 寫在素食嘉年華前

超級颶風壓境遇上中秋大潮,香港急忙撿視下水道設施,以確保這城免於水淹。建設大型排水設施抗洪,修河防汛,或可應付在加劇和變得頻繁的暴雨於一時,卻不一定能應付因地球變暖度至水位上升而變本加厲的風暴潮,更不能防旱和火熱高溫。其實,我們都等著海冰的北極熊,始終不能逃避氣候異變的惡果;本港的邊沿社群,更是首當其衝,只是我們不察覺,莫說離我們更遠的地方。 Continue reading

給老鼠寫信 給螞蟻留飯 – 素食嘉年華的故事閣


在香港這個肉食之城的西沿海邊, 今年舉辦了這城第一屆的素食嘉年華. 在十月一個明亮的秋日, 竟有4千多人長途跋涉的坐上車程達90分鐘的91號車去到清水灣泮的三育書院, 於一個主要靠著社交網絡流傳的活動來說, 可算了贏了一個大滿貫.  在那兒的空氣都在欣喜震動. 全素行,其中一個主因是愛動物愛地球, 從餐桌開始推翻從屬的關係, 及和相關的暴力說不. 那天在藍天白雲之下, 要尋索如何重建與大自然的關係, 可以從動物與我們的關係說起. 為此, 我拉來了《傳說我城103》一書裏面兩位愛動物的作者, 去到香港素食節那兒跟大家說故事.

還說了這故事的前傳, 她家在深水埗舊車房的往日種種. Continue reading

School Days with A pig – Making connections and getting stuck???!!!

  • I failed to get on a bus to go see the movie after a long wait in the rain for the cross harbour tunnel bus tonight, so I went home and watched it on the net instead. Very thought provoking……It is a drama about a teacher introducing a piglet to his graduating primary school class, and how the children who spent their days loving the little pig for one good school year challenged the initial agreement that the piglet should be eaten at the end of their school year. As barriers to let the piglet lives on begin to mount, they are being thrown into a difficult moral dilemma when they have to decide on the pig future before leaving school. Some film critics Continue reading

Even if UN is setting me up, i still buy into Go Veg 2 save the world

The 6-week Vegan Challenge is just over, Mary has just written in to sum up how she did, from the day the film Vegucated was showed. Congratulations to Mary as well as to everyone who have put your best foot out in here. Yes, being vegan is not a magic solution to all food related cruelty and injustices, say, the recent reportage on the popularity of quinao grown in South America is starving the local farmers there, as they could afford the food no more. Yet, it is a foot set in a good course, a good course that opens us and sensitizes us to many hidden dilemmas and realities, so that we could develop our own ethics instead of being dragged along. 

I have thought about whether the UN’s waving this flag as their micro control over people, as they have no means to control giant corporations that produces cars, aeroplanes, oil, meat and diary etc, so they downloaded the responsibility on us…Just like they have waved the population flag before, as

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很久沒來…..案頭工作太慢, 人像得了多動症一樣, 難於集中精神….

今天關心動物權益的朋友舉行記者會,要求成立動物警察,我沒到,因為有些問題沒有想好,特別是警權力與父權的糾結,我很難相信依附父權和那套思想建構出來的東西會真的維護動物權益,更擔心權力易放難收,成為不能取代的建制,讓暴力以其他的型態持續。比起在建制手上的警權,我還是希望公民社會在這事上興起,將權力拿穩,包括警察及檢察的培訓,和讓更多人能愛動物更多。。。事忙,不能再寫了,下面是我在面書不知如何回答的回答。。。。希望有機會想多點再補充。。。 Continue reading

砂從何來 : 沙蓋龍尾灘會讓我們背負環境公義的債


要將泥灘變為沙灘,首要的便是要問,砂從何來?香港已是無砂可挖,建築或其用沙不是來自香港的任何地方,而是進口。或者先不追尋那些沙從何而來,要鋪一個人見人愛的沙灘,優質沙是免不了。香港要有一個「美麗」的沙灘,便得在某個地方拿走一個。試想,我們能 Continue reading