Author Archives: admin

西九故事 Kowloon West Stories

A friend’s publishing house is releasing a book on two proposals for the Kowloon West, It reminded me that I have one too….that i once submitted to Legco. I hace 2.5 minutes to present my paper, and councillors minds were elsewhere. It got me a bit disheartened. Yet, i think i should daylight it….for its own sake.

One bit I still love very much is how I envisioned the boat school once provided education to the lowly children of the sea transformed into an eco-art centre still sitting on water.  If interested, read on in the paper below (the link). And I like the drilled cores to tell the making of the place too. Let’s call in Coring West Kowloon. For other suggestions on history and environment of the place…read on.

West Kowloon stories

 boatWestKln Continue reading

The not so charitable animal services provider

I was trying to visit the SPCA clinic last night because of a situation with Cissy, and realized that their opening hours are not really worker-friendly.

The time table they set is basically asking people to take time off to take their animal friends to see a vet there, otherwise, these people will be penalized to pay the emergency consultation fees. This time table is also punishing the animals they say they love, when their human companions could not take time off and could not afford the emergency consultation fee.


                                 小時候, 放學後經常周圍蹓達才回家, 愛美也愛靜, 所以喜歡興漢道, 那當時有老師住在這兒, 我還記得她的背, 近一年, 暫養大狗後, 我跟Cissy每次走過那兒, 看著老房子原好美麗的, 總是很心安, 以為它已經捱過了那麼多的歲月, 便會一直在那兒呆下去….  Continue reading


百度同煤吧有聶清文的一個貼子1,最後的回貼日期是20131115日,而聶清文遇難的日期是2003年。那麼多年了人們還是掂記著他,和他最後的遺言。對於大多數遇難的鑛工來說,對大多數人來說, 他們是沒有名字,沒有面貌的, 不真正存在的甚麼。我曾試圖找過那一年死難者的名字,希望逐一刻在一塊塊的小鐵片上,然後一片鑲在一個煤餅上, 作為一個以煤為主體的裝置上, 以紀念他們的付出和存在. 但最後卻甚麼也找不到, 因為國內政府以私隱為由, 從來沒有將名字公佈。在國內也曾有公佈礦難名字的呼聲,但最終不得要領。 Continue reading