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凤仙捱不得冷    剩下寥寥幾枝
遍種在花園各角 我卻從沒有為她停步
或  瞄她一眼

她在寒冷的空氣中俯下身來 Continue reading

我們都是等著海冰的白熊 — 寫在素食嘉年華前

超級颶風壓境遇上中秋大潮,香港急忙撿視下水道設施,以確保這城免於水淹。建設大型排水設施抗洪,修河防汛,或可應付在加劇和變得頻繁的暴雨於一時,卻不一定能應付因地球變暖度至水位上升而變本加厲的風暴潮,更不能防旱和火熱高溫。其實,我們都等著海冰的北極熊,始終不能逃避氣候異變的惡果;本港的邊沿社群,更是首當其衝,只是我們不察覺,莫說離我們更遠的地方。 Continue reading

給老鼠寫信 給螞蟻留飯 – 素食嘉年華的故事閣


在香港這個肉食之城的西沿海邊, 今年舉辦了這城第一屆的素食嘉年華. 在十月一個明亮的秋日, 竟有4千多人長途跋涉的坐上車程達90分鐘的91號車去到清水灣泮的三育書院, 於一個主要靠著社交網絡流傳的活動來說, 可算了贏了一個大滿貫.  在那兒的空氣都在欣喜震動. 全素行,其中一個主因是愛動物愛地球, 從餐桌開始推翻從屬的關係, 及和相關的暴力說不. 那天在藍天白雲之下, 要尋索如何重建與大自然的關係, 可以從動物與我們的關係說起. 為此, 我拉來了《傳說我城103》一書裏面兩位愛動物的作者, 去到香港素食節那兒跟大家說故事.

還說了這故事的前傳, 她家在深水埗舊車房的往日種種. Continue reading


昨天參在新界坪輋/打鼓嶺坪洋公立學校寫生, 那是一間已被棄置6年的村校, 在東北被規劃的範圍之內, 空城計劃給參加者每人一個當年學生的小故事, 讓參加者用塑料彩繪畫下來, 我抽到的故事是: 學生在路上拾到一疊鈔票, 他交給學校的老師, 獲得學校頒贈錦旗獎勵…….故事是好, 但我想了很久, 要怎麼畫才不老土……..你們有主意嗎??? Continue reading

School Days with A pig – Making connections and getting stuck???!!!

  • I failed to get on a bus to go see the movie after a long wait in the rain for the cross harbour tunnel bus tonight, so I went home and watched it on the net instead. Very thought provoking……It is a drama about a teacher introducing a piglet to his graduating primary school class, and how the children who spent their days loving the little pig for one good school year challenged the initial agreement that the piglet should be eaten at the end of their school year. As barriers to let the piglet lives on begin to mount, they are being thrown into a difficult moral dilemma when they have to decide on the pig future before leaving school. Some film critics Continue reading

When lives are as cheap as those throw-away T-shirts

How my heart clenches this Sunday morning….Bangladesh…the place I first found children could be adorable…those big eyes with the longest eyelashes ever looking at me and little hands holding on my hands and sleeves as I walked through a flash flood torn village…..It was so many years ago and where are they now? Street urchins and orphans struggled through and grew up…just to be crushed? I could not bear this thought……Yes, what could we do? so many years of so called poverty alleviation and development works? what for? To cheer myself up, I might want to end with a happier note, otherwise……In support of the striking dockworkers, Hong Kong citizens chipped in a staggering HKD 7.5M to wage war against de tycoon of the city…….Awakening and justice starts from wherever that is closest to us……May power be to the people…ALWAYS. [sorry, Simon i have jammed in your post….for a place I once worked hard to mobilize the people of HK to support and changed the international aid policy back then.]


阿當夏娃真的沒有結婚, 也沒有擺酒, 最少是沒有記載…..

最近城中大有人替前天皇嫂不值,  待寢7年, 落得只是尾指上的一只「分介」。聽說有基督教團體連忙籌備支持婚姻制度的討會, 指這建制是用來保護女性的, 不讓男人傷害 — 天皇不結婚, 前天皇嫂便沒有得到名份帶來的保護。 國內有姊妹指此天皇為渣男, 白花了人家的青春, 是要不得的渣子。男歡女愛的事外人難於置喙,  我們倒可以討論一下婚姻可以保護些甚麼, 不可以保護些甚麼……. Continue reading

雨港 燥動

  1. 從小便愛看雨灑, 更愛雨打在肌膚上的感覺, 也愛雨後臭氧的氣息…..
    幸運地, , 我的中與小學都不是鬧市之內, 都要走一段綠樹林蔭的路才可到達, 沒有人管的孩子, 愛在雨中走走看看, 從不打傘……
    香港多雨, 今年的雨港, 要記下的是碼頭那兒的人頭聳動, 與工人一起奔走與留守, 為了他們應份的薪籌




1. 我們對懷著不同意念或走得太前的人的不接受和攻擊 (她的裙裝在娛圈近幾年流行了, 還是酷的代表)

2. 我們對不同性向者的不接受與歧視 (看霸王別姬和春光乍 他沒有得獎的理由, 特別是春)

3. 我們對憂鬱”症”和其藥品的侵害性的不認識, 不知其會加強其中一些人的自毀意識 (以及他毀意識)

4. 我們沒有反思和社會批判的能力, 10年了, 我們知道了些什麼.



舒琪:这部电影对张国荣是一种剥削 王家卫 电影

Warning: Antidepressants May Lead to Suicidal Tendencies