Un/seen 沒/看見 image series 影象記錄

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@ 新界東北藝術展The North East New Territories Art Show

坪輋撿來樹幹,外面來枝,包括洋紫荊,沙柳和不和知道的甚麼樹。隱形塗液、黑燈、包紮折枝的花布條、灰白泥膠, 坪輋照片特別包括與水有關的、毛冷。

洋紫荊是非香港土生植物,卻透過接枝在香港生根,, 成為香港市花. 洋紫荊是學術上是非原生, 但於香港, 這花就是能代表香港的原居民.  現正在坪輋爭取將土地留下的[非]原居民, 跟洋紫荊一樣, 也是一早透先他們來到這兒的社區, 接枝坪輋, , 在那兒殖下盤根,開墾農勤, 於是綠葉成蔭. 繁發的枝葉保護著那兒的像蝶兒脆弱的人情、生態、農林與沃土, 和萌生了自己的一切, 成為了坪輋的一部份, 如何再分原/非居民?

香港土地有價,不愛務農, 那兒主要由非/原居民組成的農業社區一直承受著因此而來的各種壓力和創傷, 只是邊城故事有誰會報導和見證, 於是我們以前總是看不見, 直至龐大的東北發展大綱出爐, 引發了村民的連串反響, 也吸引了我們對坪輋的注意,如這裝置在黑光亮起時, 才讓我們看到那兒隱藏著的詛咒和堅持。影響著那兒的生態、經濟及社群的,包括那些導致農業不濟和社區褪色的,將溪流渠化和水位下降的政府工程,和為該區迎接大型展的大型水庫和堆田區的建築, 黑光也闖出了坪輋在頑抭之中, 豐富了自己的文化和生命力, 還引來了由掛在樹枝代表著外面來的關心和援手的毛線.

放在一角的毛線, 是讓來賓以手指打毛線, 親手編織出他們到坪輋的支持, 取替原來的單薄.


Scavanged stem from Ping Che, Bauhinia/sand willow/unknown branches from other places,
invisible ink, black light, wool, floral cloth strips(wrapped around broken branches), pictures from Ping Che(especially those related to water).

This project questions the fixed and rigid divide between native and non native people of Ping Che, which has led to very differential treatments that disadvantaged the latter.

Bauhinia is a grafted plant non-native to Hong Kong, yet it is so rooted that this city embraced it as its representation and flower. Its non-native status is relevant only in plant classification studies but non-relevant to people of Hong Kong. Similarly, the “non-native” people of Ping Che has rooted so deeply and extensively in this land as they put efforts in making the land their home and productive. They are florishing and protecting the place ecologically, agriculturally and socially, like butterflies and its fragile ecology.  The announcement of the mega North East Development plan is like the black light installed, when it is blinked up, it draws our attention to this place and the people, when they acted up to protect their home and other things, we were then able to see what have been affecting the place ecologically, economically and socially for so long a time, as Hong Kong put value not their farm lands and their produce.  These include the public works that turned streams into ditches and drained the water table, which led to the collapse of the agricultural community, also works that make way for bulldozers, such as the mega service reservoir and the leaky landfill on the hill.

The light also highlighted the villagers efforts and vitality in sustaining the place, also the groups and people connecting up with and standing by the place as represented by the wool hanging on the branches. The bowl of wool and the finger knitting instruction, are for visitors to knit out their support for the place by weaving out something thick and warm.