In Japan, a young man regreted that none of his 35 primary school classmate showed up at the 8-year hence rendezvous. Yet, his internet search for his lost friends only found two of them.
I actually have experienced that same – it was a 10 year hence appointment though, amongst eight of my high school schoolmates. I was the only one showed up at the fountain of Peninsula Hotel Hong Kong. Instead of feeling upset, i actually enjoyed my solitaire holiday very much. Afterall, it was a beautiful day.
I actually have experienced that same – it was a 10 year hence appointment though, amongst eight of my high school schoolmates. I was the only one showed up at the fountain of Peninsula Hotel Hong Kong. Instead of feeling upset, i actually enjoyed my solitaire holiday very much. Afterall, it was a beautiful day.
這事我也經歷過: 中五運動會之後, 8名同學相約十年後的某月某日某時某分, 於半島酒店門水池相見. 我當天告了假, 穿了白荷葉領上衣, 淺藍色荷葉邊薄牛仔裙, 披著大捲髪早早便坐在水池邊.
我聰明的帶了書, 好讓等待的時間易過.
時間滴答滴答的過了一小時. 書翻悶了才到shangrila 酒店獨自吃了個自助餐. 繼續享受自己的獨樂時光.
從沒有想過有人會來, 只是我就是想去.
那是一個前whatsapp 年代. 我除一人外都没有聯絡方法.