那片綠, 常在, 等著吧
The green will stay…just you wait
[坪輋水田 .. Veg field at Ping Che]
寫在6.27 財委會強行通過東北前期公程之後. (ref: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=LwKz1o5lhoo)
那片綠, 常在, 等著吧
The green will stay…just you wait
[坪輋水田 .. Veg field at Ping Che]
寫在6.27 財委會強行通過東北前期公程之後. (ref: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=LwKz1o5lhoo)
農忙的地方, 節令是天大的事, 夏至更是大節. The Bookshop 在新店開幕時, 給了我小小的時間, 來說我幾忘了的一個夏至….. 那年我去到加拿大最南端的一個小島上幫忙一個由Margaret Artwood資助開發 Continue reading
I was trying to visit the SPCA clinic last night because of a situation with Cissy, and realized that their opening hours are not really worker-friendly.
The time table they set is basically asking people to take time off to take their animal friends to see a vet there, otherwise, these people will be penalized to pay the emergency consultation fees. This time table is also punishing the animals they say they love, when their human companions could not take time off and could not afford the emergency consultation fee.