The two pieces explore the tensions and dismay hidden within this clear liquid essential to life.: On the Same Horizon and Dry Spell III. 兩組展品探索潛藏在水這生命必須的透明液體裏的張力與紛擾: 在同一水平線上 及 旱咒 III .
On the Same Horizon 在同一水平線上: 在同一水平線上Six water samples collected from different places left outside the gallery for the duration of the show, to see whether algae would grow or the
difference in rate when it grows according to the amount of organic substances there. 六個水樣本在展覽期間放在場館外面, 看水藻會不會生長或生長速度因水樣本裏不同的有機物質的差異.
Dry Spell 旱咒 III : This continues with the previous exploration about bottled water, manufactured droughts and other consequences including water poverty and the trafficking of women. The bottles contain water mixed in tonic water and a slight yellow highlight tint, so that it glows under black light to highlight that these bottled water are locations of disturbances and disquieting matters. 這裝置繼續探究樽裝水, 人為旱災和其他, 包括缺水貧窮以,至婦女被賣. 樽內的水混有湯力水和少量黃色螢光物料, 使其在黑光下發出光芒, 作為這些水裏面不平靜的提示.
On the Same Horizon 在同一水平線上:
- Pictures taken on the seventh day. 第7日的照片.
- First Day. 第一天.
- First Day. 第一天.
- List of the places of the water sampled (right to left) . Day 3. 採水樣本的地方(右至左). 第3日.
Dry Spell 旱咒 III :