While water is traded and consumed as commodities to quench our thirst, there are dire consequences often left untold. 當水變成商品之後, 背後的故事有多少人知道…. In cities, there is an increasing demand for bottled water and other bottled drinks, marketed as “safer” and “higher class”by corporations that suck up aquifers andsprings which kept from their consumers that they are often privatizing the water sources, depleting and polluting groundwater to elicit dire ecological and social consequences. These include displacement of the local dwellers, humans and all. For humans, wrecking of agro-communities, health and intensified poverty, especially in places where suchacts are either looselyor not regulated. Women, lower in status and chief care takers of their families are often receiving the hardest hit, some may be sold or trafficked to as force-labor or to quench sexual desires of others.The trafficking situation is worsening as the water situation deteriorates, while the politicalecological-economic power gap widens across the global and within nationstates.Yet, these women’s voices are silenced, unheard. The picture inserted in these bottled water is a women of “color”, naked, blinded, tied and gagged. 當樽裝水和其他商品飲料被推銷為安全純淨和高檔而銷售在節節上升的時候,它們原產地的源泉和地下水除被私有化及徵用外,其情況也是在每況愈下,一邊被抽乾,一邊被污染,附隨而來的是嚴重的生態及社會後果。對當地的居民而言,則包括其農產及社區被破壞,健康變差和加劇貧窮,特別是對汲水活動不制約的地區。而女性,在地位不尊和要照顧家庭的情況下,往往首當其衝。其中更不幸者是被人擄拐貶賣至被迫作苦工或供人洩慾。 隨著全球的清潔水源越趨貧乏及政治經濟–生態的權力分配兩極化,貧窮和擄拐貶賣的情況在靜悄悄加劇。困在樽裝水裏的是一幀被暴露、綑縛、蒙眼和封口有色人種的女性。