Appointment Apologies 失約

This is a real story about a friend of mine leaving me a message to cancel an appointment last minute and rushed home to see her dying mother who had been suffering from pneumoconiosis, a.k.a the black lung disease. Her family lives in Da Tung, the coal capital of China. Pneumoconiosis and lung cancers are the two major killers in coal towns, and pneumoconiosis alone kills 3 times the number of people died and hurt in the mines and the industry.

The room is painted in charcoal colour, the mat is designed with magnified images of different stages of pneumoconiosis slides under the microscope and sprinkled with fine carbon powder to partially reveals those images when people walked on.
整個房間都油上了炭黑色, 地墊是不同階段的塵肺病切片圖砌成, 上面再灑上炭粉, 讓人走過是露出圖像…


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