The far end is scattered dry grass and soil, symbolizing the increasingly frequent sever drought, the near end are scattered plastic bottles with image of a woman trapped within. The two are connected up by the bottling industry which is known for depleting and polluting aquifers rendering the place water-poor and in rural areas, economic poverty, which associates closely with the trafficking of women. 遠處那端散撒了乾土和乾草, 近的那端是藏有一個被綑著的女性圖像的膠樽, 連繫著的是因過度抽取和污染地下水而聲名狼席的飲料工業. 地下水情況讓附近地區出現水貧窮, 農村地區打擊尤深. 而貧窮和水貧窮亦導至婦女被販賣.